Librado and Anselma Apantenco Memorial Scholarship

The purpose of the Librado and Anselma Apantenco Memorial Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to one full-time, undergraduate student with sophomore, junior or senior status.

  • First preference will be given to a first generation student
  • Second preference will be given to a student majoring in secondary education or history
  • Third preference will be given to an education major at large

Candidates must answer ONE of the following questions (1-2 paragraphs maximum):

  • Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
  • How do you demonstrate a commitment to building a more socially just and equitable world as a college student or how would you in your future career?
  • What is one thing you are passionate about? How and why did you become interested?
  • If a friend or family member described you to a stranger, what would they say?

This scholarship is not automatically renewable, but recipients may apply again.

Supplemental Questions
  1. For this scholarship, first preference is given to first generation students, which is defined as neither parent having completed a four-year degree. Are you a first generation student?
  2. For this scholarship, second preference is given to students majoring in secondary education or history. Are you majoring in one of these areas?
  3. For this scholarship, third preference is given to education majors at large. Are you an education major?
  4. Please answer ONE of the following questions (1-2 paragraphs maximum):
    • How do you demonstrate a commitment to building a more socially just and equitable world as a college student or how would you in your future career?
    • If a friend or family member described you to a stranger, what would they say?
    • What is one thing you are passionate about? How and why did you become interested?
    • Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?