Dr. Juan Andrade Jr. Scholarship for Young Hispanic Leaders

Since 1982, the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHLI) has awarded over $1.5 million in scholarships and internships to students from disenfranchised groups. Most notably, the Dr. Juan Andrade Jr. Scholarship for young Hispanic Leaders seeks to recognize Hispanic students who share Dr. Andrade’s lifelong commitment to servant leadership.

Scholarship Qualifications
Applicants must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as full-time undergraduate students, in an accredited four-year or two-year institution in the U.S. or U.S. territories, and demonstrate a verifiable need for financial support. At least one parent must be of Hispanic ancestry. Non-U.S. citizens are eligible to apply (DACA or Undocumented).

For more information or to apply, visit https://www.ushli.org/dr-juan-andrade-scholarship-for-young-hispanic-leaders/.
